
0494 2631230

M.A. Sociology

M.A. Sociology

The course introduces the contributions of different social thinkers and the theoretical growth of Sociology as a discipline. Aspects of Indian society, characteristics of Kerala society and its social trajectory, and the theory and application of quantitative techniques are adequately covered in the syllabus. The course is unique in its analysis of Kerala society with emphasis on its social environment, impact of globalization and out migration and other sociological issues of Kerala.

Board of Studies

  • Dr. K.S. Hakim (Board of Studies Chairman)

  • Dr. P. K Pokker

  • Dr.Swapanarani S .S
  • Dr. N. Jayaram

  • Dr. Anthony Palakkal

  • Dr. N. P Hafiz Muhammad

  • Dr. Biju Vincent

  • Smt. N. Rakhi



Syllabus (2021 Admission Onwords)