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Centre for Under Graduate Studies (CUGS) Formation Committee

Centre for Under Graduate Studies (CUGS) Formation Committee

Committee Members


Dr. Sudhir S. Salam (Film Studies School)

FYUGP Academic Coordinator –

Dr. Jaini Varghese (School of Environmental Studies)

Teacher Representative

Dr. Mallika MG (School of Development Studies)

Graduate Program Coordinators

Dr. Mohammad Rafi N.V. (School of Literature)

Dr. Sreeja V (School of Development Studies)

Controller of Examinations

Dr. C. Ganesh

The invitees

Dr. K.M. Bharathan, Registrar

Dr. Suneetha TV, CSS Vice Chairperson

Dr. Anil K.M., I.Q.A.C. Director

Dr. Dhanya R. (Member of the Executive Committee)

Order CUGS